NIKKI: Something Shiny

The Good News: I have maintained a 30 pound weight loss.  Mostly.  There have been ups and downs but I’ve stayed within a very small range for several weeks.

The Bad News: I have maintained a 30 pound weight loss.  Mostly.  There have been ups and downs but I’ve stayed within a very small range for several weeks.

See, the goal here is to continue to lose weight.  But I seem to be having a problem with motivation.  I have plenty of it, motivation that is, before lunch.  But after that, the very things that were so important earlier in the day don’t even register on my givacrapometer.

But never fear – I have a solution.  See Exhibit C below.  Once I’ve lost a full 50 pounds, I will buy myself Exhibit C, which though not a Range Rover, is shiny like one.

My hope is that with pretty jewels in front of me, like a carrot in front of a horse, I will push myself to exercise even when I can think of 9-10,000 other things I would rather do.

(Stay tuned:  Several people have asked what I’ve been eating as I’ve lost weight, so tomorrow I will post an average day’s menu.  Don’t worry, I won’t start talking about hummus and apples again.  That’s not true.  I probably will.)

Exhibit C

Exhibit C

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6 thoughts on “NIKKI: Something Shiny

  1. Julie says:

    I love exhibit C! Keep up the excellence, Nikki, YOU CAN DO IT!!


  2. Linda Olson says:

    Excellent carrot!


  3. virginia says:

    I’m a believer in the reward system. I made a list of treats – $25 to spend in the art supply store, pedicure (with each toe a different color), an ebook. Next level – massage. Top shelf – shoes and new eyeglass frames.


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