Tag Archives: Epic Setback

Nikki: See, What Had Happened…

I got a new job.  Then I tripped, fell, and gained 12 $%#&*@! pounds.*

The last few months have involved some pretty major life changes.  Mostly good stuff but positive changes can be hard too.  Like growing out your bangs.  Exercise and nutrition have taken a back burner to things like Shark Week, finding a parking space within 2 miles of my office, and ordering must-have items from http://www.officeplayground.com/.

For several weeks, I have been thinking about ways to renew my motivation and it has finally occurred to me that eating less, exercising, and then writing about these things were the keys to my early success.  As I have been doing none of these things, it should come as no surprise that the scale is going in the wrong direction.

I’ve set a few new goals and am trying a few new ideas, all to the tune of, “Try getting off your fanny and not eating so much, you tapioca-obsessed master of all things leisure.”  That’s a song, right?


*Actually, 17 pounds. But why would anyone admit that on the internet?

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