Tag Archives: FitBit


We went to the zoo.

I bought a Fitbit because that’s what all the cool kids are doing these days. I succumbed to the pressure.

(For anyone not familiar with this trend, a Fitbit is a mostly water-resistant bracelet one wears daily that tracks the number of steps taken, flights of stairs climbed, number of active minutes, calories burned, hours of sleep, and distance traveled. Ounces of water and food consumed can be tracked too. Fitbit users can connect with other Fitbit users for competitions, chatting, and support. It’s really a pretty cool gadget. )

While I haven’t yet actually lost any weight since I’ve had this clever device, it is motivating, and like anything else, if I use it consistently, it will help.

Which brings me to my point…I struggle to be consistent with any health related activity. I will do really well for a week, sometimes two, before something comes along and I completely lose my mojo. That “something” could be a little bit of stress, not enough sleep, a Game of Thrones marathon, wacky hormones, or even Tuesday. Once I’m off track, days or weeks will pass and then something will remind me that I want to be healthier. Typically, an unflattering photograph of me in a compromising position will do the trick. Until the next “something” comes along.

This cycle is annoying.

I’d love to hear what derails others and how you get back into good habits after a setback.

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